Legal Documents1

Articles of Incorporation

EIN Issuance Notice

Tax-Exempt Recognition

2020-2021 Form 990-N²

2021-2022 Form 990-N

2022-2023 Form 990-N

Have any other questions? Need any other documents?

Contact us at [email protected].


1 Our organizational financial calendar year starts on August 1st of every year and ends the following year on July 31st. Therefore, 990 and other forms may not be seen on this page until December of that year.

2 Our nonprofit was created after the 2020 calendar year mentioned on this document ended (ends July 31st, 2021), however, confusion over when to file for the 2021 calendar year led us to file our postcard online early (so early that it was for a year that we didn't even exist). Due to the IRS' requirement of posting all 990 forms from the past 3 years on a publically accessible site, we are posting this document even though it holds no value. If you have any questions about this mistake, please don't hesitate to contact us through our legal email posted above.