What is the FTC?

By Vihan Singh2 min read · Posted Sep 20, 2022


Have you ever heard about the Federal Trade Commission (aka. FTC)? If you have and have been wondering what it is read on as this article describes what it is and what it does.

What is the FTC?

FTC stands for Federal Trade Commission. It is an independent agency associated with the US government. It was created by the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.

What does the FTC do?

Its purpose is to keep track of and investigate companies, businesses, or even whole industries, that have been reported for using unfair practices (Ex- Scams) or any sort of fraudulent activities (Ex- False Advertising). When they receive a complaint they look for evidence that backs up the complaint and then investigate the target with the help of law enforcement agencies around the USA.

When to file a complaint to the FTC?

If you believe that you have found a business doing any of these:

  • Scamming consumers
  • False Advertising
  • Unfair Practices (Ex- Taking tips of workers)
  • Unsafe Practices (Ex- Not following safe working practices/guidelines)
  • Identity Theft
  • Etc.

How to file a complaint to the FTC?

The federal trade commission (FTC) accepts complaints and reports on various websites depending on the situation, a few are listed below:


The federal commission agency (FTC) is a federal agency that investigates and persecutes any businesses, companies, or industries that commit fraudulent activities and unsafe practices.


About The Author

Vihan Singh

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