What is a Business Plan?

By Rithika Revur4 min read · Posted Aug 18, 2022


What is a business plan? You might be asking yourself this question - luckily, this article will cover the answer, the objectives found in the business plan, when business plans are used, and some good examples of a business plan!

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a document that outlines the company's goals and how it will achieve them. A business plan will also help create strategies for investments, finances, and future improvements for the company. However, it is essential to note that simply designing programs will not help your company succeed - you will need Management to implement the plans.

When is a Business Plan Utilized?

Most people start a business plan when their company is beginning. Some people start their business plan when they get an idea for a product and need an excellent way to build that product and their company. The best time to create a business plan is when you need a laid-out blueprint for your business or want to grow your business and need some guiding steps to get you there. It depends on your goals, wants, and needs, but it's never too early to build your business plan!

Styles of Business Plans

There are quite a few business plans out there, but this article will discuss the three types of business plans. It is crucial not only to know the business plans but also to understand what they are used to.


A Mini-Plan is a shortened version of the business plan and summarizes the main critical points of your project. The project does not go in-depth and only touches the surface. This type of business plan is used for new companies that are starting and want to have an outline of how their business will be running without all the nitty gritty details. Besides being short, it can be portable and accessible to read on small devices.

Start-Up Plan

The Start-Up plan and the Mini-Plan are similar because new entrepreneurs utilize both, but there are some distinct differences. The Start-Up program includes more detail than the Mini-Plan but is not focused on the financial and marketing aspects of the business. The document gives more details to the basic information, such as products and market evaluations, and lightly covers some economic statistics. The Start-Up plan, just like the Mini-Plan, is helpful to new entrepreneurs that want to get their business out of the theoretical stage and into reality. One thing to keep in mind is that the Start-Up plan will cover specific relevant details to ensure investors invest in their product or business.

Strategic Business Plan:

The Strategic Business plan is a plan that targets achieving high-level goals for the company. The components of this plan are business vision, mission statement, and strategies for achieving objectives, alongside a few other features. This business plan is quite different from the others because it is more focused on the growth aspect of the company and incorporates a much longer-term plan compared to the other business plans discussed.


Many different business plans may have other methods for creating these plans. They may have more objectives in a project, or the program is more logical and defines the company's financial situation. Still, there are specific components you must have to have a successful business plan.

They are pretty few, but the Main five things you must have are:

Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first and most important thing to have on your plan. The executive summary provides an overview of your project and helps others understand your goals without reading your whole plan.

Business Description

The Business description is the next thing you would want to add. The business description explains what your company does and what products or services it will sell.

Market Analysis and Strategy

The strategy part of your business is essential because it helps the company understand its target audience and where it is. With this, the company will be able to sell its products precisely.

Management and Organization description

Next up is the Management and organization of your business. It's vital to establish Management because your company will require an ordered line of work that prevents people from overstepping or doing more work than intended.

Financial Projection and Needs

Last but not least, the Financial projections are the methods and ways you will gain funding for your business. This can include your profit from the product, investments to improve the company or other ways to get financial support for the business.


A business plan is a document that helps plan the company's goals, the format of the company, along with the growth of the company. There is no specific time to have a business plan, but it's always essential to have one to help your business succeed. It doesn't matter what business plan you use. It all depends on what plan is best for you and your company.


About The Author

Rithika Revur

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