Management Styles

By Rithika Revur3 min read · Posted Sep 10, 2022



If you are wondering what management style works best for you or want to learn more about the different types to improve your management and leadership skills in the office, this article is for you. This article will discuss the four commonly used management styles and a few examples for each management type.

What is a Management Style

A management style is how a person manages their tasks as a manager. The duties can include decision-making, delegation, and company organization. A person's management style can also be significantly influenced by personality type, company culture, roles, and natural leadership style. External factors, including the economy, competitors, and consumers, can also affect someone's management style.

The Four Types of Management Styles

The four management styles that will be listed will go over styles that suit a specific personality type and which management style is best in specific social environments.

1. Democratic

Democratic management is run by asking for team input on decision-making and delegation tasks. The key term "democratic" reveals that this management style prefers majority support to make certain decisions. Instead of the manager making crucial decisions, their coworkers work together to establish management decisions.

Specific Democratic Management Styles

  • Consultative Management Style: The manager will make the final decision but will ask their employees for their opinions and decide with their thoughts in mind.
  • **Participative Management Style:**Managers and staff all play a role in the decision-making process. The team is given more information on the company's future plans and encouraged to create innovative methods to help the company succeed.

Characteristics found in Democratic Management

  • The company culture encourages teamwork
  • High employee engagement
  • Innovative Ideas

2. Autocratic

The autocratic management style is one of the most controlling and authoritative. It works as a top-down management system, where high management roles make all the significant decisions for the company with one-way communication from bosses to employees. This means management controls employees with tasks and less touch from employees to the boss. Employees are treated as drones and constricted by firm boundaries they can not cross within their jobs.

Specific Autocratic Management Styles

  • **The Authoritarian:**The manager dictates all decisions. They also delegate tasks to their employees and expect high-quality work; otherwise, the employees will face the consequences. Managers monitor their employees closely to ensure everything is done as best.

  • **Paternalistic Management Style:**The manager makes the decisions with the interest of the employees in mind. The type of management is similar to a family-like social setting, and loyalty from their employees is expected.

Characteristics found in Autocratic Management

  • Little input from employees on significant decisions
  • Strong structured environment
  • Clearly defined rules and processes

3. Laissez-Faire

Laissez-Faire management is one of the most open management styles. In this management, employees can make their own decisions, delegate their tasks, and be entrusted with their work with no supervision. They will manage the outcomes and workflow of the team.

Specific Laissez-Faire Styles

  • Delegative Management Style: In this type of management, the manager is only responsible for assigning tasks. The rest is taken care of by the employees. Once the studies are done, the manager reviews the work and gives feedback for future projects.
  • Visionary Management Style: The manager encourages their staff to take more leadership roles and work towards a company goal or vision.

Characteristics found in Laissez-Faire Management

  • Comfort with mistakes
  • Responsibility for mistakes falls on the Manger
  • Decisions are left to employees

4. Persuasive

The Persuasive management style is similar to the Autocratic style, where there is robust and centralized control. The difference between the two is that while autocratic managers force their employees to do a specific task, persuasive managers invite their employees to provide input on their responsibilities and try to find the best fit for their coworkers.

Characteristics found in Persuasive Management

  • Ability to make quick decisions
  • Creative freedom
  • A passionate team


It's essential to understand the different managerial styles and when to use them to be a successful and robust manager within your company. There isn't a set executive style, and you may not feel connected to any of the listed management styles – you may be a mix of some or not match with any of them. Understanding your leadership style will help you flourish and become a better manager for your team and company.


About The Author

Rithika Revur

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