What is Client-Side Scripting vs. Server-Side Scripting?

By Om Gautam2 min read · Posted Dec 3, 2022


Client-Side Scripting and Server-Side Scripting are ways to add functionality to your website. Client-side scripting is used to develop the front end of a website; it is executed when the web browser loads and is visible to users. On the other hand, server-side scripting works with the backend and is not visible to users.

A Dive into Client-Side Scripting

Client-side scripting is the code that displays your website's user interface. It executes in the web browser when your website is loading. Client-side scripts can load websites quickly when used effectively, as they do not require interaction with third-party servers. If you want to make a static website that does not change its content and where users directly interact with the browser, client-side scripting is the way for you.

Some client-side scripting languages include:

  • HTML: Also known as Hypertext Markup language, HTML is the building block of a website. It is used to build the frame of a website and describes the structure of information in a website.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language used to style a website and make a visually pleasing user interface.
  • JavaScript: This language is used to make the user interface of your website more interactive. Unlike HTML and CSS, which work on creating the structural components of a website, JavaScript is used to make a website engaging for users.

A Dive into Server-Side Scripting

Server-side scripting is code that interacts with a web server before being sent to the client. These scripts primarily work on the backend of a website, managing data saving and collection from databases, response generation to user queries, and changes in the website content. Additionally, server-side scripts provide responses tailored to each client's needs. Thus, server-side scripting is associated with creating dynamic websites.

Some server-side scripting languages include:

  • PHP: This is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages used on the web. The main functionality of this language is managing databases, which works similarly to SQL in doing so.
  • Python**:**This scripting language is shorter and easier to learn for beginners. In addition to exchanging data servers, Python can analyze data, provide security, and organize URL routes. Some specific web development frameworks in Python include Django and Flask.
  • Java: This language offers an extensive library containing tools to assist web application developers with routine tasks like input and output, networking, and graphic user interfaces. Some specific ways java can help with backend web development is with Java Servlet and JSF (JavaServer Faces) to create APIs and other Java Frameworks.

Overall, there are a variety of choices you can make when choosing what languages to use to code your website, so pick certain languages based on what you want your website to do!


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Om Gautam

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