What is Brainstorming?

By Vihan Singh2 min read · Posted Jan 9, 2023


Have you ever been asked to brainstorm an idea? You probably have. What is brainstorming? Why is it useful? Read on as this article explains everything you need to know about brainstorming.

What is Brainstorming?

Brainstorming is the process of working as a group or individually to produce solutions to a problem. There are two ways to brainstorm: Individually or in a group.

Group Brainstorming

Group brainstorming is the most efficient way to find solutions to complex problems that may have one or more ways to solve.****For example, let's say you work for a company that has issues with its industrial robots. You are in charge of a group of engineers, including yourself, to devise a solution to why the robots are not working as intended. You all sit down with the robot’s manuals and build maps, and each one of you contributes ideas until one is agreed upon being the best. The process of generating potential solutions is called brainstorming.

Individual Brainstorming

You do this without knowing! This is when an individual thinks and plans a solution to a simple problem. Let’s use the same problem as before, but this time, you are to work individually. You start by researching more about the robot in question, think of all possible solutions, and finally, decide on the best solution. This is the process of brainstorming individually.

Individual or Group?

Both are great ways to brainstorm. But if possible, always try to get a group of qualified team members (or friends) to help you find solutions to problems. Group brainstorming should be used for complex problems with more than one possible solution. At the same time, individual brainstorming can be used for simple problems.

How to Brainstorm

Here are some great tips which you can use to brainstorm your way through a problem:

  • Set a deadline by which you expect yourself to find a solution
  • Reread and reevaluate the problem several times to understand it correctly
  • Don’t take any unqualified advice or criticism too seriously
  • Research all you can, from the internet or books or other sources
  • If you are in a group, value everyone’s opinions
  • Build on previous solutions/ideas
  • Look at the problem through various angles
  • Don’t shoot down any radical ideas, they might help you!
  • Don’t underestimate or overestimate any ideas or possible solutions.
  • Be creative!
  • Write your solutions out; visuals can help you out


Brainstorming is a great way to plan out your ideas and form a solution to a problem. It can be done individually or in a group. Don’t limit yourself to traditional methods/solutions; be creative and accept new changes from yourself or others. Look at problems through all possible angles and build on previous ideas to solve a problem.

“Brainstorming is the nexus of ideas”__-Asa Don Brown


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Vihan Singh

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