How to Write a Business Plan

By Deepak Palasamudram3 min read · Posted Jan 7, 2023


What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a document that displays thestructure of a business. A business plan consists of information such as the company's objectives, marketing strategies, finances, product or service information, and future plans. A business plan is created using research and high analysis. With a business plan, the company will know the direction of where they're going, and it helps in the long term. Now let's go over how to write a business plan.

How do you write a Business Plan?

These are the steps to create the perfect business plan for your company:

Create an Executive Summary:

The first step to building a Business Plan is to make an executive summary. The summary should be one to two pages long, including a description of your product or service, your mission and vision statements, finance, and future plans. It is often recommended to put the executive summary at the end of the business plan to describe the overall business plan briefly, but it will most likely be the first read part by professionals.

Describe your Company:

Once the executive summary is completed, the next part of the business plan is the company description. The description of your company should go over the name, the purpose of your company, why your company is unique, the primary location of your company, the history of your company, and the important people involved with your company. The description should also cover the business structure (ex. Sole proprietorship).

Go over Business Goals:

The next part of the business plan discusses your company objectives. This section should cover your company's short and long-term goals and explain how you plan to achieve them. This section could also explain why money should be invested in your company to support your goals.

Describe your Products and/or Services:

This is the section where you review your company's products or services. The product or service description should detail how it works, the price, the target customers, the sales and distribution strategies, and any other additional information.

Do your Market Research:

After going over your product or service; research the market with which you will be competing and explain how your product or service stands out and has a competitive advantage.

Make a Marketing Plan:

Create a marketing plan once you have researched your market. A marketing plan is used to attract customers toward your product or service.

An example is advertising since most advertising occurs through social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. Advertisements could also be put on Television, such as news channels, which must be made to attract your customer target market.

Make an Operation Plan:

This is the section where you define an Operation Plan for your product or service, or in other words, how it will get to the customer. In an operations plan, go over your supply chain. You should talk about who the supplier is (if you have one), the method of production, the equipment used, the wholesaler, the distributor (if you have one), shipping, and the amount of supply (if you have a product).

Make Financial Projections:

The next part of the business plan is to make financial projections for the future. This goes over the estimated revenue and profits your business will make in the long term and how you will pay off loans and other expenses. It also could talk about how you will pay off future investors or loans. Make sure the projections are realistic.

Make a Finance Plan:

Once the business plan's projections are complete, make a detailed financial plan. A financial plan consists of a balance sheet, an income statement, and a cash-flow statement. A balance sheet shows how much the business owns (ex., assets) and how much the company owes (ex., loans). An income statement shows certain parts of where revenue and expenses come from and displays the profit or loss of your company. The cash-flow statement shows from which organization the gains and costs come.

Add Additional Information:

This is where you add any vital information that was not covered. This could be patents, contracts, etc.


You and your company need a business plan to thrive. With a business plan; investors and other funders will know if they should use their money on your business. It also guides your company through the following steps needed.


About The Author

Deepak Palasamudram

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Hello, I am Deepak, a high school student and an Article Writer for Pitch Labs. Along with my love of writing and teaching others, I am passionate about entrepreneurship, finance, and coding. I plan to delve more into these subjects in the future.

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